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We Stand For (3/5): Innovation

Updated: Mar 14, 2022

Operating in an unbiased learning environment as a unit is the basis of our educational concept.

futuristic full body scan with skeleton, digitalization in medicine, doctor with stethoscope in the background
Trauma Academy - blog picture

We believe that achieving a new standard for the training of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeons is a necessary task, a challenge that requires a combination of tools and skills that must be conquered. One of these tools is technology, which in today's world is a key element for the success of any business.

The medical industry is no different. The integration of innovation into medical education has never been more essential than it is today. Because the ability of surgeons to use these innovative tools appropriately is crucial to their profession and to all of us.


We began our journey towards reinventing surgical education by integrating technical innovations with essential scientific elements such as LifeLike Fracture Simulation and consecutive course concept.

Operating on lifelike, pre-fractured human specimens with intact soft tissue mantle enables consistent fracture management and best learning experiences for orthopaedic and trauma surgeons.

We ensure a clear learning path by focusing on case-based patient-related data, X-ray and CT images, VR segmentation and printed 3D fracture models. We combine these elements with a world-class facility - CADLAB COLOGNE - a wetlab where participants can learn during Trauma Academy courses. The combination of professional guidance from experts, sufficient time for preoperative planning of the surgery and our high-tech solutions makes the learning experience of the Trauma Academy courses so valuable for effective surgical education.


We offer a completely new course experience as never before: Innovative BioSKills courses that combine world-class technologies based on the "OK,DOC" course concept.

The Trauma Academy courses provide physicians with a realistic learning experience. They convey the essential core competencies published by the DGU, which are crucial for high-quality medical treatment of severely injured patients. Therefore, the course series is officially recommended in the Whitebook for Medical Care of the Severely Injured (“Weißbuch Schwerverletztenversorgung”). Surgeons who took part in our courses said that they would like to come back and deepen their experience even further.

Interview with Denise Eygendaal (Instructor | Elleboogkliniek, NLD)

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